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Nutrition of Pregnant Women And Children
Nutrition of Pregnant Women And Children
​Women and children have an important role in the prosperity and building of society, and since healthy nutrition has many benefits for the individual and society in general, this session gives a general idea of ​​healthy food for women and children in their different ages.
​Diet Planning
​Diet Planning

Meal planning is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It provides participants with the opportunity to understand the importance of balanced nutrition, portion control, and dietary diversity. Through this course, participants will explore various meal planning strategies. Additionally, they will acquire practical skills in creating customized meal plans tailored to individual dietary needs and preferences. Whether you are a beginner or looking to enhance your meal planning skills, this course offers valuable insights and tools to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

How To Choose A Diet
How To Choose A Diet
​​How to choose the right diet for you What is a healthy diet What is the keto diet and the Angie's diet This course will talk about all this.
Weight Gain Diets
Weight Gain Diets
The term underweight applies to those who are 15% to 20% or more below acceptable weight standards. Since being underweight is often a symptom of illness, it should be medically evaluated. Learn about healthy weight gain diets!
Depression And Nutrition
Depression And Nutrition
Many wonder does malnutrition cause depression? What are the other problems caused by malnutrition? We will learn the answer in this course.
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and Minerals
 What functions does a vitamin (or mineral) have? What are the symptoms of deficiency caused by a lack of vitamins or minerals? When do vitamin/mineral deficiencies/toxicity occur? How to correct symptoms of vitamin or mineral deficiency? What interactions have been observed with other nutrients?

​Mental Disorders And Nutrition
​Mental Disorders And Nutrition
think about it. Your mind considers "working". It takes care of your thoughts and movements, your breathing and your heartbeat, and your senses working hard 24/7, even while you sleep. This means that your brain needs a constant cycle of fuel. Makes kinetic fuel.
Fundamentals Of Human Nutrition
Fundamentals Of Human Nutrition
This course deals with several topics that are the cornerstone for understanding the science of nutrition and studying the rules and foundations upon which all applications and the foundations upon which all practical applications of nutrition depend.
Certification icon
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the Food Industry
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the Food Industry
Food safety and hygiene has become a top concern for both consumers and food producers. Producing safe food is now a priority for food manufacturers. In this online course on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the Food Industry, you will learn in-depth about the requirements of any production facility to produce safe and healthy food that complies with recommended global practices. The course begins with an introduction, definition and importance of the food safety approach and the food production chain, and the need to comply with global scientific recommendations to ensure safe production, processing or handling of food in all aspects.
Nutrition of pregnant and lactating women
Nutrition of pregnant and lactating women
A healthy diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle in the first weeks of feeding a pregnant and breastfeeding woman, especially pregnant women or those planning to become pregnant, as healthy eating during pregnancy will help growth and development, hence the course.​

Fundamentals of clinical nutrition
Fundamentals of clinical nutrition
​This course deals with several topics that are the cornerstone for understanding the science of nutrition and studying the rules and foundations upon which all applications and the foundations upon which all practical applications of nutrition depend. Among the topics covered in the course are the basics of nutrition and nutritional assessment, diet planning, various diets, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, blood pressure and gout, in addition to cosmetic nutrition and nutrition in the stages of life.
Comprehensive Nutrition
Comprehensive Nutrition
A training program for a nutritionist that talks about various topics of interest to a nutritionist, such as planning diets, how to choose a diet for medical conditions, how to read an analysis of body components and laboratory tests, diabetes patients, polycystic ovaries and thyroid glands, in addition to athletes, bodybuilders, and women's nutrition in Life stages and cardiovascular diseases. 
Basics of the Intermittent Fasting Diet
Basics of the Intermittent Fasting Diet
Intermittent fasting' is a dietary practice in which people restrict their meal consumption to specific times of the day. This health and fitness course delves into the concepts behind intermittent fasting and examines common diet myths. We explain how intermittent fasting affects the process of building muscle or losing weight. Sign up to learn how to successfully follow this diet to eat healthy while looking and feeling your best
 Mental Health and Nutrition
Mental Health and Nutrition
In this course, I'll take you on a journey exploring nutrition's essential role in our mental health. After more than a decade of research into the role of nutrients in mental health problems, such as hyperactivity, insomnia, anxiety, and stress, I and other researchers around the world have discovered that nutrition plays an essential role in how we feel.
Understanding Obesity
Understanding Obesity
In this course we will discuss the facts and misconceptions about obesity and the gaps in scientific knowledge. We will discuss key physiological and psychological concepts about the brain's control of appetite and body weight, and consider the power of these systems. We will describe new approaches to treating and preventing obesity, and give you the opportunity to reflect on your knowledge and assumptions about the causes of obesity. 
Clinical Nutrition – evidence-based practice
Clinical Nutrition – evidence-based practice
This course aims to address nutrition-related issues due to chronic or infectious diseases (eg obesity, diabetes, malnutrition, HIV), and provides you with evidence-based insights and practical knowledge on solutions that can be implemented in a diverse number of situations.
Nutrition and Cancer
Nutrition and Cancer
Are you ready to learn about the role of diet, nutrition and lifestyle in the occurrence and development of cancer, and discover the latest insights? If you're keen to get started, learn about the relationship between nutrition and cancer development, and how scientists are researching it.
Nutrition and Health: Food Safety
Nutrition and Health: Food Safety
Are you ready to start learning about the effects of food processing, the shared responsibility in the food chain and the prevention of food poisoning/intoxication? This course will make you familiar with pertinent risks which hardly receive attention and with some myths that scare the public but harm no one! By completing this course, you will have the necessary tools to better weigh and interpret the information about food safety yourself.
Weight Management for Adult Patients with Chronic Disease
Weight Management for Adult Patients with Chronic Disease
There are many lifestyle movements related to important management in the treatment of chronic diseases, but they often choose confidence and skills in conducting discussions about moving toward behavioral change. The driver will begin by studying the physiology of weight regulation, its powerful benefits for several chronic diseases, and the body's response to weight change. She will also learn behavior change as well as techniques to change her behavior.
Diet and Nutrition (Online Nutrition Certificate Programs at Oxford Home Study Center)
Diet and Nutrition (Online Nutrition Certificate Programs at Oxford Home Study Center)

Gain skills and knowledge in nutrition with the Oxford Home Study Centre's online nutrition certificate programs course. With 3 different levels, this course meets the needs of beginners and those with experience. Take advantage of the flexibility of studying online and learning anytime and anywhere that suits you. You will learn the basic principles of nutrition and its impact on health, in addition to balanced nutrition for different groups such as children and the elderly. Earn a recognized certification in nutrition and prepare to build a successful career in your preferred field. Join our Nutrition Certificate Programs course now and explore the world of nutrition with confidence and skill.

Diploma in Food Hygiene
Diploma in Food Hygiene

يفخر منصة خبراء التغذية بتقديم هذه الدورة التدريبية الجديدة والحصرية عبر الإنترنت حول Food Hygiene تعتبر هذه الدورة التدريبية المتقدمة مثالية لأي شخص يسعى إلى العمل في مجال الخدمات الغذائية، ويمكن أن تساعدك على إطلاق العنان لإمكاناتك الكاملة. مع عدم وجود معرفة مسبقة أو خبرة ضرورية، يمكن الحصول على دورة  المعتمدة هذه من أي مكان، ونقوم بتضمين جميع مصادر التعلم بشكل قياسي. سواء كنت تفكر في تغيير مهنتك أو متابعة الترقية مع صاحب العمل الحالي، فإن دورة سلامة الأغذية والنظافة الأكثر تقدمًا لدينا يمكن أن تساعدك على اتخاذ الخطوة الكبيرة التالية.

Nutrition for kidney and liver patients
Nutrition for kidney and liver patients

تغطي الدورة الدور الحيوي للتغذية في الوقاية والعلاج من مضاعفات أمراض الكلى والكبد، مع التركيز على تخطيط النظام الغذائي المناسب وأفضل طرق التقييم والمتابعة التغذوية لهذه الحالات.