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The Most Popular Training Courses

From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste EIT Food
From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste EIT Food
During this course, the student will explore how he - as a consumer - can act and inspire others to reduce food waste effectively and sustainably. He will learn what food waste is, why it is important, and obtain practical guidance to help him become an agent of change on both the personal and political levels.
Diabetes – the Essential Facts
Diabetes – the Essential Facts
More than 420 million people live with diabetes. Two-thirds of these cases have not yet been diagnosed. When diabetes is detected late or improperly managed, it can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves, leading to disability and premature death. In fact, more people die from diabetes-related diseases than from diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. This course will provide you with an introduction to the latest research in diabetes prevention and treatment as well as a broader understanding of the situation in different societies, rich and poor, around the world, where diabetes threatens public health. What type of diabetes is it, who has it, and who is at risk of developing it? What are the roles of medicine, exercise and nutrition when trying to prevent, delay or treat diabetes?
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Understanding Food Labels
Understanding Food Labels
It aims to teach the correct ways to read labels on food products that we buy all the time without reading or understanding them.
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Latest Courses

Nutrition for kidney and liver patients
Nutrition for kidney and liver patients

تغطي الدورة الدور الحيوي للتغذية في الوقاية والعلاج من مضاعفات أمراض الكلى والكبد، مع التركيز على تخطيط النظام الغذائي المناسب وأفضل طرق التقييم والمتابعة التغذوية لهذه الحالات.

Diploma in Food Hygiene
Diploma in Food Hygiene

يفخر منصة خبراء التغذية بتقديم هذه الدورة التدريبية الجديدة والحصرية عبر الإنترنت حول Food Hygiene تعتبر هذه الدورة التدريبية المتقدمة مثالية لأي شخص يسعى إلى العمل في مجال الخدمات الغذائية، ويمكن أن تساعدك على إطلاق العنان لإمكاناتك الكاملة. مع عدم وجود معرفة مسبقة أو خبرة ضرورية، يمكن الحصول على دورة  المعتمدة هذه من أي مكان، ونقوم بتضمين جميع مصادر التعلم بشكل قياسي. سواء كنت تفكر في تغيير مهنتك أو متابعة الترقية مع صاحب العمل الحالي، فإن دورة سلامة الأغذية والنظافة الأكثر تقدمًا لدينا يمكن أن تساعدك على اتخاذ الخطوة الكبيرة التالية.

Diet and Nutrition (Online Nutrition Certificate Programs at Oxford Home Study Center)
Diet and Nutrition (Online Nutrition Certificate Programs at Oxford Home Study Center)

Gain skills and knowledge in nutrition with the Oxford Home Study Centre's online nutrition certificate programs course. With 3 different levels, this course meets the needs of beginners and those with experience. Take advantage of the flexibility of studying online and learning anytime and anywhere that suits you. You will learn the basic principles of nutrition and its impact on health, in addition to balanced nutrition for different groups such as children and the elderly. Earn a recognized certification in nutrition and prepare to build a successful career in your preferred field. Join our Nutrition Certificate Programs course now and explore the world of nutrition with confidence and skill.