All Courses
Diabetic Nutrition​
Diabetic Nutrition​
This course covers the root causes of different types of diabetes and explains how to prevent and treat them. We discuss the root causes of diabetes, its different types and several ways to manage the disorder. We show you how to determine tolerable levels of sugar in the body and explain how a healthy diet can help you manage or prevent diabetes.
Nutrition of Thyroid Patients
Nutrition of Thyroid Patients
  Nutrition for thyroid patients is an important field to understand how food affects thyroid health and manages associated conditions. This course aims to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to address the nutritional challenges that patients may face, such as unexplained weight loss or gain, excessive fatigue, and mood swings. The course will offer a comprehensive overview of the nutritional effects on thyroid function and how to regulate a healthy diet to achieve hormonal balance and alleviate symptoms. Topics covered will include foods that promote thyroid health and those to avoid, as well as strategies for weight regulation and maintaining overall health. This course will enable you to better understand how nutrition impacts thyroid health and take steps towards improving the overall well-being of thyroid patients.
Nutrition of Cystic Fibrosis Patients
Nutrition of Cystic Fibrosis Patients
​A genetic disease that affects the glands that modulate sweat and mucus in the body, and affects the lung, liver, pancreas and intestines, and poses a threat to the life of the sufferer.
مرض التليف الكيسي يؤثر على الخلايا التي تفرز المخاط والعرق والعصارات الهضمية. في حالة التليف الكيسي فإن الإفرازات تصبح كثيفة ودبقة، ومن ثم تبدأ بالتراكم والتجمع في القنوات، خاصة في البنكرياس والرئتين مما قد يسبب الالتهابات الرئوية وفشل الرئة، سوء التغذية، السكري، وامراض الكبد ،
Sports Nutrition
Sports Nutrition
Sports nutrition is a crucial and vital field for achieving optimal athletic performance and maintaining the overall health of athletes. This course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the role of nutrition in enhancing athletes' performance and promoting sports recovery. The course will cover various topics such as pre and post-exercise nutrition, effective dietary supplements for athletes, and the importance of fluids and hydration in sports activities. Additionally, the course will discuss strategies for optimizing nutrition to increase strength, build muscle, and enhance overall athletic performance. By the end of the course, you will have the necessary knowledge to apply the principles of sports nutrition effectively to achieve your athletic goals with improved health and performance.  
Feeding Gastrointestinal Patients
Feeding Gastrointestinal Patients

Nutrition for digestive system patients is a vital aspect in managing various digestive disorders and promoting overall gastrointestinal health. This course provides an overview of the importance of nutrition in supporting digestive health and managing symptoms associated with digestive conditions. Participants will explore topics such as dietary strategies to alleviate symptoms, foods to avoid, and dietary modifications to improve digestive function. Additionally, the course will cover the role of nutrition in preventing digestive issues and promoting gut health. By the end of this course, participants will gain valuable insights into the relationship between nutrition and digestive health, empowering them to make informed dietary choices to enhance their overall well-being.

Colon Disease Nutrition
Colon Disease Nutrition
Nutrition for colon patients is a topic of interest for many individuals suffering from digestive system disorders. A course on nutrition for colon patients provides an opportunity for those interested to understand how nutrition impacts colon health and manages associated symptoms. The introduction covers several important topics, including suitable dietary plans for colon patients, foods to avoid, foods to include, and general tips to improve overall well-being. This course can offer a deeper understanding of nutritional concepts related to colon diseases and empower participants to make wiser decisions regarding their dietary habits to enhance their health.

Sports Nutrition For Bodybuilders
Sports Nutrition For Bodybuilders
 Sports nutrition is different according to the type of sport? How can we make a diet for bodybuilders? Is food related to the emergence of muscles?؟
Nutrition For Autistic Patients
Nutrition For Autistic Patients
Nutrition for autism patients is an important field of interest, as nutrition can play a significant role in improving the quality of life for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. This course aims to provide the necessary knowledge and understanding of the impact of nutrition on autism and how to provide appropriate nutritional support for these patients. The course will cover various topics, including the effect of diet on behavior and communication in individuals with autism, and types of foods that may help improve symptoms and enhance overall health. Additionally, the course will include practical strategies for implementing a suitable diet and meeting the individual nutritional needs of each patient. Through this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to provide effective nutritional support for autism patients and improve their quality of life.
Nutrition in Autoimmune Diseases such as hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, and sclerosis
Nutrition in Autoimmune Diseases such as hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, and sclerosis
In this course, you will be introduced to the terminology of various autoimmune diseases, in addition to understanding the underlying causes of harmful autoimmune diseases, and understanding your role as a nutritionist to manage the symptoms of these diseases.​
Food and Drug Interactions
Food and Drug Interactions
Understand your role as a nutritionist to address and manage the risks of interactions between the food given and prescription (or over-the-counter) medications.
Feeding patients after sleeve gastrectomy
Feeding patients after sleeve gastrectomy
To distinguish between the types of obesity surgeries and the advantages and disadvantages of the surgery To know the qualifications for obesity surgery and the risks behind it To know the effects of obesity surgery on obesity complications To know the nutritional guidelines provided to patients undergoing obesity surgery.
Nutrition For Cancer Patients
Nutrition For Cancer Patients
Understanding cancer terminology and the role of nutrition in the etiology of cancer Understanding the nutritional implications of cancer and how cancer and its treatment affect nutritional status in general.
ISO 22000 - 2018
ISO 22000 - 2018
The course will teach you about the elements of a food safety management system which is a collaborative and systematic approach to managing food safety risks effectively. Through this course, you will learn how this standard works and the potential benefits it can provide to food organizations. You will also study the requirements of the standard for conducting the analysis and how the food organization can manage this.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points )‏ (HACCP)
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points )‏ (HACCP)
Ready to master Risk Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)? Join our comprehensive course and become an expert in ensuring food safety and quality! In this dynamic training program, you will learn the essential principles and practices of risk analysis and critical control points. Gain the skills to identify potential hazards, assess risks, and implement effective control measures to safeguard against foodborne illnesses and maintain regulatory compliance. With hands-on exercises and real-world case studies, you'll develop the expertise to design and manage robust HACCP systems. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your professional profile and contribute to a safer food industry. Enroll now and elevate your career in risk analysis and critical control points!
HACCP Advanced Course
HACCP Advanced Course
​This course is specially designed to provide the necessary skills and knowledge and practical real experience in applying the HACCP system and establishing the HACCP Plan in food industries, food and catering companies, restaurants, hotels and all companies in the food chain without the need to rely on a specialized consultant. During the duration of the course, participants will learn the seven principles of the HACCP analysis system Risks and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and the stages of preparing and creating a HACCP plan, with practical experience in preparing and reviewing the plan. The course provides valuable information useful to anyone interested in learning how to create a HACCP plan and apply the HACCP system in their workplace, or review the HACCP plan already established in the company.
Internationally Accredited Certificate in Nutrition
Internationally Accredited Certificate in Nutrition
Learn the basics of nutritional science Understand the role micronutrients, fiber, probiotics and water play in our bodies Understand what macronutrients are and the role they play in our bodies Understand energy balance. Discover easy ways to determine your BMR and TDEE Learn about the most important sources of carbohydrates / proteins / fats and find out their daily requirements
Certification icon
Practical applications course on the ESHA program​
Practical applications course on the ESHA program​
 How can food labels work, how can food planning work on ESHA software, what is nutritional analysis software, ESHA software is one of the best food label companies providing nutritional analysis software, nutritional labeling and regulatory support for clinics and factories 
Nutrition in Ageing
Nutrition in Ageing
 This course provides basic information about the nutritional requirements of older adults, the role that nutrition can play in disease prevention, and how social status can influence eating behavior. Along the way, you'll receive tips and tools from healthcare professionals and experts - focused on promoting the daily health of older adults. Whether you're a caregiver, medical student, healthcare professional or someone interested in nutrition, this course will help you learn about nutrition in... Aging stage so you can provide the best level of care 
Diet and Nutrition (Online Nutrition Certificate Programs at Oxford Home Study Center)
Diet and Nutrition (Online Nutrition Certificate Programs at Oxford Home Study Center)

Gain skills and knowledge in nutrition with the Oxford Home Study Centre's online nutrition certificate programs course. With 3 different levels, this course meets the needs of beginners and those with experience. Take advantage of the flexibility of studying online and learning anytime and anywhere that suits you. You will learn the basic principles of nutrition and its impact on health, in addition to balanced nutrition for different groups such as children and the elderly. Earn a recognized certification in nutrition and prepare to build a successful career in your preferred field. Join our Nutrition Certificate Programs course now and explore the world of nutrition with confidence and skill.

Diploma in Food Hygiene
Diploma in Food Hygiene

يفخر منصة خبراء التغذية بتقديم هذه الدورة التدريبية الجديدة والحصرية عبر الإنترنت حول Food Hygiene تعتبر هذه الدورة التدريبية المتقدمة مثالية لأي شخص يسعى إلى العمل في مجال الخدمات الغذائية، ويمكن أن تساعدك على إطلاق العنان لإمكاناتك الكاملة. مع عدم وجود معرفة مسبقة أو خبرة ضرورية، يمكن الحصول على دورة  المعتمدة هذه من أي مكان، ونقوم بتضمين جميع مصادر التعلم بشكل قياسي. سواء كنت تفكر في تغيير مهنتك أو متابعة الترقية مع صاحب العمل الحالي، فإن دورة سلامة الأغذية والنظافة الأكثر تقدمًا لدينا يمكن أن تساعدك على اتخاذ الخطوة الكبيرة التالية.