ISO 22000 - 2018

ISO 22000 - 2018

This course will teach you about the elements of a food safety management system, which is a cooperative and systematic approach to effectively managing food safety risks. Through this training course, you will learn how this standard operates and the potential benefits it can provide to food organizations. You will also study the requirements of the standard for conducting analysis and how a food organization can effectively manage it.
30.000  د.ا
30.0 JOD 30.000  د.ا
30.000  د.ا
Responsible Nutrition Experts
Last Update 04/25/2023
Completion Time 3 hours 21 minutes
Members 1
Advanced FOOD
    • ISO 22000 2018
  • first lecturer
    1Lessons · 47 min
    • part One
  • Second lecture
    1Lessons · 2 hr 4 min
    • part One