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Fundamentals Of Human Nutrition
Fundamentals Of Human Nutrition
This course deals with several topics that are the cornerstone for understanding the science of nutrition and studying the rules and foundations upon which all applications and the foundations upon which all practical applications of nutrition depend.
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Introduction to vitamins and minerals​
Introduction to vitamins and minerals​
Learn about the role and functions of vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium with this online micronutrient course. Through this course, you will learn about their absorption, metabolism, and excretion as well as the effects of their deficiency and toxicity on human health.
The Basics of Food Safety and Hygiene
The Basics of Food Safety and Hygiene
Food safety is a set of practices and procedures required by law to prepare, handle, and store food and prevent foodborne illnesses and injuries. This food safety certification includes essential details for anyone working in the food industry and is designed to help you understand food safety procedures, identify potential hazards, and learn about what the law requires of you as a business owner or employee to prevent harm to consumers.

Anthropometric Measurements
Anthropometric Measurements
Anthropometry is a Greek word that literally means measuring people. Physical anthropometry is concerned with measuring the human individual with the aim of understanding human physical differences.
Creative Nutritionist
Creative Nutritionist
The dietician plays an essential role in human life, as food is one of the basics of our life, so we must take care of it. Also, a dietitian plays a major role in the patient's condition, needs, treatment, and recovery. Each patient has a special diet and style.

Maintaining Weight With The Ramadan Diet
Maintaining Weight With The Ramadan Diet
 This course covers a variety of topics in the field of diet in the holy month of Ramadan and how to maintain weight.
Free Online Course on Stomach Digestion and Detoxification
Free Online Course on Stomach Digestion and Detoxification
This course covers a variety of topics in the field of diet and nutrition and will teach you about digestion in the stomach and intestines, along with the body's natural detoxification processes and the importance of efficient detoxification.
Free Online Diabetes Dwareness Course
Free Online Diabetes Dwareness Course
This free online course covers the root causes of different types of diabetes and explains how to prevent and treat them.
هل أنت قلق بشأن مرض السكري؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك ، فإن دورة التوعية بمرض السكري تجيب على جميع الأسئلة التي قد تكون لديك. نناقش الأسباب الجذرية لمرض السكري وأنواعه المختلفة وعدة طرق لإدارة هذا الاضطراب. نوضح لك كيفية تحديد مستويات السكر التي يمكن تحملها في الجسم وشرح كيف يمكن لنظام غذائي صحي أن يساعدك في إدارة مرض السكري أو الوقاية منه. اشترك لتتعلم كيف تحمي نفسك وأحبائك من هذا المرض الشائع في نمط الحياة.
From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste EIT Food
From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste EIT Food
During this course, the student will explore how he - as a consumer - can act and inspire others to reduce food waste effectively and sustainably. He will learn what food waste is, why it is important, and obtain practical guidance to help him become an agent of change on both the personal and political levels.
Gluten Allergy
Gluten Allergy
We are pleased to invite you to a workshop on "Gluten Sensitivity," also known as "Gluten Intolerance" or "Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity." During this workshop, you will become acquainted with this condition, which results in adverse reactions when consuming gluten-containing foods. The focus will be on clarifying the concept of gluten and where it is found in foods. We look forward to seeing you at this workshop for more knowledge and interaction.

Uses of ChatGPT in Healthcare
Uses of ChatGPT in Healthcare
Learn about the potential of ChatGPT in healthcare; This includes exploring the impact of AI, learning ChatGPT use cases, learning about ethics and regulations, and ways to facilitate patient care, data access and management.
Understanding Obesity
Understanding Obesity
In this course we will discuss the facts and misconceptions about obesity and the gaps in scientific knowledge. We will discuss key physiological and psychological concepts about the brain's control of appetite and body weight, and consider the power of these systems. We will describe new approaches to treating and preventing obesity, and give you the opportunity to reflect on your knowledge and assumptions about the causes of obesity. 
Weight Management: Beyond Balancing Calories
Weight Management: Beyond Balancing Calories
In this course, we will discuss the root cause of obesity, as explained by modern science. We will see how our food environment has evolved over the past half century, and how it is changing our biology to overconsume calories and resist sustained weight loss. We will also see how stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and lack of sleep disrupt our appetite control system to promote weight gain. By developing a better understanding of the physiology behind obesity, 
Diabetes – the Essential Facts
Diabetes – the Essential Facts
More than 420 million people live with diabetes. Two-thirds of these cases have not yet been diagnosed. When diabetes is detected late or improperly managed, it can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves, leading to disability and premature death. In fact, more people die from diabetes-related diseases than from diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. This course will provide you with an introduction to the latest research in diabetes prevention and treatment as well as a broader understanding of the situation in different societies, rich and poor, around the world, where diabetes threatens public health. What type of diabetes is it, who has it, and who is at risk of developing it? What are the roles of medicine, exercise and nutrition when trying to prevent, delay or treat diabetes?
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Understanding Food Labels
Understanding Food Labels
It aims to teach the correct ways to read labels on food products that we buy all the time without reading or understanding them.
Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders

Enhance your knowledge about different types of eating disorders, their causes and effects and learn how timely intervention of experts can help in controlling different types of eating disorders.  

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Diet and Nutrition (Online Nutrition Certificate Programs at Oxford Home Study Center)
Diet and Nutrition (Online Nutrition Certificate Programs at Oxford Home Study Center)

Gain skills and knowledge in nutrition with the Oxford Home Study Centre's online nutrition certificate programs course. With 3 different levels, this course meets the needs of beginners and those with experience. Take advantage of the flexibility of studying online and learning anytime and anywhere that suits you. You will learn the basic principles of nutrition and its impact on health, in addition to balanced nutrition for different groups such as children and the elderly. Earn a recognized certification in nutrition and prepare to build a successful career in your preferred field. Join our Nutrition Certificate Programs course now and explore the world of nutrition with confidence and skill.

Diploma in Food Hygiene
Diploma in Food Hygiene

يفخر منصة خبراء التغذية بتقديم هذه الدورة التدريبية الجديدة والحصرية عبر الإنترنت حول Food Hygiene تعتبر هذه الدورة التدريبية المتقدمة مثالية لأي شخص يسعى إلى العمل في مجال الخدمات الغذائية، ويمكن أن تساعدك على إطلاق العنان لإمكاناتك الكاملة. مع عدم وجود معرفة مسبقة أو خبرة ضرورية، يمكن الحصول على دورة  المعتمدة هذه من أي مكان، ونقوم بتضمين جميع مصادر التعلم بشكل قياسي. سواء كنت تفكر في تغيير مهنتك أو متابعة الترقية مع صاحب العمل الحالي، فإن دورة سلامة الأغذية والنظافة الأكثر تقدمًا لدينا يمكن أن تساعدك على اتخاذ الخطوة الكبيرة التالية.