التغذية السريرية – الممارسة القائمة على الأدلة

التغذية السريرية – الممارسة القائمة على الأدلة

تهدف هذه الدورة إلى معالجة القضايا المتعلقة بالتغذية بسبب الأمراض المزمنة أو المعدية (مثل السمنة و مرض السكري و سوء التغذية و فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية)، وتزودك بالرؤى القائمة على الأدلة والمعرفة العملية بشأن الحلول التي يمكن تنفيذها في عدد متنوع من المواقف.

20.000  د.ا
20.0 JOD 20.000  د.ا
20.000  د.ا
المسؤول Nutrition Experts
آخر تحديث 05 فبراير, 2024
وقت الإكمال 10 ساعات 33 دقيقة
الأعضاء 0
متوسط التغذية
    • Syllabus
    • Welcome Video
  • Chronic Diseases - Obesity
    19الدروس · 2 س 3 د
    • Introduction
    • Basics of Obesity
    • Prior Domain Knowledge Obesity
      10 xp
    • Implications of Obesity
    • Introduction to Lifestyle Management of Obesity
    • What is a Healthy Diet? Food-based Dietary Guidelines
    • Different Types of Diets and Their Beneficial Effect
    • Exercise: Differences between Diets
    • Role of Physical Activity
    • Creation of a Movement Plan
    • Health-Beauty Paradox in Different Cultural Settings
    • Psychological Aspects of Lifestyle Management - Avoid/Detect Eating Disorders
    • Introduction to Medical Therapies
    • Taking Advantage of the Disadvantages
    • 21th Century Anti-Obesity Drugs
    • Types of Obesity Surgery
    • Mechanisms of Obesity Surgery
    • Results of Obesity Surgery
    • Complications of Obesity Surgery
  • Chronic Diseases - Diabetes type 2
    8الدروس · 1 س 9 د
    • Learning Outcomes
    • Introducing Diabetes
    • Prior Domain Knowledge Diabetes
      10 xp
    • Symptoms and Complications of Diabetes Type 2
    • Introducing Lifestyle Management for Diabetes Type 2
    • Drugs Used in the Treatment of Diabetes Type 2
    • Management of Hyperglycemia
    • Introduction to Metabolic Surgery for Diabetes Type 2
  • Malnutrition
    22الدروس · 2 س 51 د
    • Introduction to the Module
    • Welcome
    • Module Outline
    • Literature on Malnutrition
    • Prevalence of Hospital Malnutrition
    • Screening Tools to Identify Malnourished Patients
    • Screening Tools to Identify Malnourished Patients
    • Testing your Knowledge - Screening Tools
      10 xp
    • How to Diagnose an Adult Malnourished Hospitalized Patient
    • Self-study Diagnostic criteria
    • Testing your knowledge - Diagnostic criteria
      10 xp
    • How to Manage and Treat an Adult Malnourished Hospitalized Patient
    • Understanding Refeeding Syndrome
    • Pathophysiology of Refeeding Syndrome
    • Self-study Refeeding Syndrome
    • Characteristic features of refeeding syndrome include the following:
      10 xp
    • Case study - Part 1
    • Case Study - Part 1
    • Case Study - Part 2
    • Case Study - Part 2
    • Case Study - Part 3
    • Summary of the Module
  • Gastrointestinal Tract
    19الدروس · 2 س 6 د
    • Introduction to the Module on Gastroenterology - Food Allergy and Intolerance
    • Learning Goals of the Module
    • Symptoms and Diagnosis of Food Allergy
    • Prior Domain Knowledge Test
      10 xp
    • Mechanics in Allergy vs. Intolerance
    • Elimination Diets in Food Allergy
    • Specific Food Allergy: Eosinophilic Esophagitis
    • Medical Treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis
    • How to diagnose Functional GI Disorders
    • List the Rome IV Criteria for IBS and FD in your Language
    • Lactose and Fructose Intolerance
    • Lactose Intolerance per Region
    • The FODMAP Concept
    • What are Gluten?
    • The Spectrum of Gluten-Related Disorders
    • Celiac Disease: Pathophysiology and Diagnosis
    • Future Therapies in Celiac Disease?
    • Wheat Allergy
    • Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity Treatment
  • Infectious Diseases - HIV
    15الدروس · 2 س 12 د
    • Learning Outcomes
    • Introduction to HIV
    • Quiz on Basics of HIV and Nutrition
      10 xp
    • Introduction to Anti-Retroviral Therapies
    • Current Drug Therapies, Pharmacokinetics and Food Drug Interactions
    • Wasting
    • Metabolic complications of HIV
    • Introduction to Diet Therapy for HIV
    • Nutrition Assessment of HIV Patients (1)
    • Nutrition Assessment of HIV patients (2)
    • Nutritional Diagnosis of HIV Patients
    • Nutritional Interventions in HIV Patients (1)
    • Case Study 1
    • Assessment
      10 xp
    • Additional Reading