التغذية والصحة: ​​سلامة الأغذية

التغذية والصحة: ​​سلامة الأغذية

هل أنتم مستعدون لبدء التعلم حول تأثير معالجة الطعام، والمسؤولية المشتركة في سلسلة الغذاء، والوقاية من التسمم الغذائي؟ ستجعلكم هذه الدورة على دراية بالمخاطر المتعلقة التي نادراً ما تلقى اهتمامًا، وببعض الأساطير التي تخوف الجمهور ولكنها لا تسبب أي ضرر! من خلال إكمال هذه الدورة، ستحصلون على الأدوات اللازمة لتقييم وتفسير المعلومات حول سلامة الطعام بشكل أفضل بأنفسكم.

15.000  د.ا
15.0 JOD 15.000  د.ا
15.000  د.ا
المسؤول Nutrition Experts
آخر تحديث 25 يونيو, 2024
وقت الإكمال 6 ساعات 16 دقيقة
الأعضاء 1
متوسط الغذاء
  • Module 1: Hazards and Risks in the Modern Food Chain
    5الدروس · 31 د
    • Introduction Module 1.mp4
    • Summary Content Module 1
    • Hazards vs Risks
    • Questions to Practice
      10 xp
    • Additional Information
  • Module 2: Interpretation of Risks, Probability and Relevance
    7الدروس · 41 د
    • Introduction Module 2
    • Synopsis
    • Reporting Risks
    • DALY Calculations
    • Differences between Significance and Relevance
    • Closing Module 2
    • Additional Information
  • Module 3: Micro-Organisms in Food; Good, Bad and/or a Nuisance?
    16الدروس · 1 س 14 د
    • Introduction Week 3
    • Synopsis
    • Micro-Organisms: Ubiquitous, Good, Bad and Spoiling ones
    • Expert View
    • Myth of the Week
    • Before 1900
    • After 1900
    • Pasteur with Public Private Partnership
    • Characteristics of Organisms
    • Shelf Life Date
    • E. coli
    • GMO's
    • RIKILT (Additional Information)
    • Closing Module 3
    • Answering Myth of the Week
    • Additional Information
  • Module 4: Qualitative and Quantitative Principles Food Safety of Chemicals, Incomplete section
    12الدروس · 56 د
    • Introduction Module 4
    • Synopsis
    • Avoidable and Unavoidable Hazards
    • Genotoxic Versus Non-Genotoxic Chemicals
    • Important Genotoxic Carcinogens in the Food Chain
    • Myth of the Week
    • Dose Response Curve: Presence vs. Absence of a Threshold
    • BMD Modelling
    • BMD Tutorial
    • Alternative to Animal Testing
    • Closing Module 4
    • Answering Myth of the Week
  • Module 5: Toxicological Risk Assessment
    12الدروس · 1 س 8 د
    • Introduction
    • Synopsis
    • Risk Assessment Framework at a Glance
    • Questions to Practice
      10 xp
    • Risk Assessment of Non-Genotoxic Chemicals
    • Examples of Risk Assessment of Non-Genotoxic Chemicals
    • Questions to Practice
      10 xp
    • Myth of the Week
    • Risk Assessment of Genotoxic Carcinogens
    • Examples of Risk Assessment of Genotoxic Chemicals
    • Closing Module 5
    • Answering Myth of the Week
  • Module 6: Microbiological Risk Assessment
    14الدروس · 1 س 12 د
    • Introduction
    • Microbial Risk Assessment
    • Contamination Routes
    • How Many Cells Will Make You Ill?
    • How Bacteria Grow
    • Principles of Exponentional Growth as Function of Temperature
    • Tutorial in Excel: 10log Numbers
    • Recap: Is Spoiled Food Unsafe?
    • Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook
    • Myth of the Week
    • Microbiological Sampling
    • Examples of Risk Assessment: Bacteria in Hamburger
    • Closing Module 6
    • Answering Myth of the Week
  • Module 7: Ways to Reduce Risks in Food
    9الدروس · 34 د
    • Introduction Week 7
    • Regulation and Control: The Role of the Government and Control Institutes
    • Classical Inactivation Techniques
    • Negative Effects of Heating
    • Myth of the Week
    • Hygiene and Good Manufacturing Practices
    • Cooling, Keeping Hot, and Freezing
    • Fridge Experiment
    • Closing Module 7