التغذية والسرطان

التغذية والسرطان

مرحبا بكم في التغذية والسرطان!

هل أنت مستعد للتعرف على دور النظام الغذائي والتغذية ونمط الحياة في حدوث وتطور السرطان، واكتشاف أحدث الأفكار؟ إذا كنت حريصًا على البدء، تعرف على العلاقة بين التغذية وتطور السرطان، وكيف يقوم العلماء بإجراء الأبحاث في هذا الشأن.

20.000  د.ا
20.0 JOD 20.000  د.ا
20.000  د.ا
المسؤول Nutrition Experts
آخر تحديث 12 فبراير, 2024
وقت الإكمال 6 ساعات 36 دقيقة
الأعضاء 2
متوسط التغذية
    • Course Syllabus
  • Module 1: Genes, Lifestyle, or just Bad Luck
    17الدروس · 2 س 14 د
    • Introduction into Nutrition and Cancer
    • Cancer
    • Practice Questions
      10 xp
    • Genes, Lifestyle, or just Bad Luck ?
      10 xp
    • The First Evidence
      10 xp
    • Study Designs
      10 xp
    • Vitro Studies
      10 xp
    • Animal Studies
    • Animal Experiments
    • Case-Control Studies
    • Case-Control Studies
      10 xp
    • Prospective Cohort Studies
    • Cohort Studies
    • Randomized Controlled Trials
      10 xp
    • World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)
    • World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)
    • Criteria of Evidence for the Cancer Prevention Recommendations
  • Module 2: Nutrition and Cancer Occurrence
    17الدروس · 2 س 36 د
    • Introduction to Be a Healthy Body Weight
    • Introduction to Be a Healthy Body Weight
    • Be Physically Active
      10 xp
    • Whole grains, Vegetables, Fruit and Beans
    • Eat a Diet Rich in Whole grains, Vegetables, Fruit and Beans
      10 xp
    • Fast Foods
    • Limit Consumption of 'Fast Foods'
    • Red and Processed Meat
    • Red and Processed Meat and Cancer – Underlying Mechanisms
      10 xp
    • Sugar Sweetened Drinks
    • Limit Consumption of Sugar Sweetened Drinks
      10 xp
    • Alcohol Consumption
    • Alcohol and Cancer - Underlying Mechanisms
      10 xp
    • Supplements
    • Dietary Supplements and Cancer – Underlying Mechanisms
      10 xp
    • Mothers: Breastfeed Your Baby, If You Can
      10 xp
    • Cancer Survivors Should Follow the Recommendations for Prevention
  • Module 3: Diet-Gene Interactions
    6الدروس · 43 د
    • Diet-Gene Interactions
    • Types of Diet-Gene Interactions
    • Diet-Gene Interaction Research
    • Test Your Knowledge
      10 xp
    • Epigenetics and Cancer
    • Nutrition and Epigenetics
  • Module 4: Nutrition and Cancer Treatment and Survival
    6الدروس · 48 د
    • Cancer Treatments and Nutritional Problems
    • Interview with Dietitian
    • Interview with Someone Who Has Been Diagnosed with Cancer
    • More Cancer Survivors
    • The Challenging World of Cancer Survival Research
    • Research on Body Fatness/Nutrition/Physical Activity and Surival
  • Module 5: Communication to the Public
    1الدروس · 5 د
    • Basic Communication Model