التغذية المعوية عند الأطفال الخدج: توصيات ESPGHAN
انضم إلى هذه الدورة لتكتسب معرفة متقدمة حول توصيات ESPGHAN في تغذية الأطفال حديثي الولادة. على مدار أربعة أسابيع، ستتعلم من خبراء تغذية الأطفال كيفية تطبيق أفضل الممارسات السريرية لتحسين صحة الرضع وتغذيتهم بناءً على أحدث الأدلة العلمية.
20.000 د.ا
20.000 د.ا
المسؤول | Nutrition Experts |
آخر تحديث | 18 نوفمبر, 2024 |
وقت الإكمال | 23 ساعة |
الأعضاء | 0 |
Week 1 Macronutrients15الدروس · 4 س
Introduction to ESPGHAN and the course
Glossary and abbreviations
Development and structure of this course
Evidence base and grading of recommendations
Table of recommendations
Human milk nutrient concentrations: evidence base and justification
Introduction to individual nutrients
Protein:Energy ratio
Fat supply
How to calculate macronutrients intakes and requirements
End of week 1 quiz10 xp
Week 1 recommendations and conclusions
Week 2 Vitamins, minerals and micronutrients19الدروس · 5 س 28 د
Test your knowledge10 xp
Electrolytes: sodium, chloride and potassium
Case Study 1: Hyponatremia
Electrolytes: sodium, chloride and potassium
Case Study 1: Hyponatremia
Minerals: calcium, phosphorus and magnesium
Case study 2
Case study 2 explained
Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
Case study 3
Case study 3 explained
Trace elements
Case study 4
Case study 4 explained
Case study 2-4: summary
End of week 2 quiz10 xp
Week 2 recommendations and conclusions
Week 3 Water-soluble vitamins, feeding19الدروس · 7 س 9 د
Glossary and abbreviations
Water-soluble vitamins: Part 1
Water-soluble vitamins: Part 2
Challenges and solutions to improving the evidence base
Hydrolysed protein
Introduction to feeding approaches
Minimal enteral feeds and feed advancement
Gastric residuals
Timeline of parenteral and enteral nutrition
Feeding mode: what would you do?
Feeding mode: gastric tube and bolus versus continuous feeding
Oral feeding
Introduction to growth
Small for gestational age (SGA), intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), growth faltering (GF) and catch-up growth
Growth - case studies
Growth- Summary of case studies
End of week 3 quiz10 xp
Week 3 recommendations and conclusions
Week 4 Working with parents and carers17الدروس · 6 س 23 د
Refresh your learning
Working with parents and carers
Breastmilk: buccal colostrum
Breastmilk: buccal colostrum
Breastmilk: pasteurisation and risk of CMV infection
Donor human milk
Donor human milk
Supplemental bionutrients: proteins and sugars
Other supplemental bionutrients
Breastmilk fortification: purpose and composition
Breastmilk fortification: individualisation and use of human milk diets
Case discussion and fortification
End of week 4 quiz10 xp
Week 4 recommendations and conclusions
Holistic assessment of nutritional status in preterm infants
ABCDE Assessment Example
Recommendations and conclusions: full course