استخدامات Chat GPT في الرعاية الصحية

استخدامات Chat GPT في الرعاية الصحية

عرف على إمكانات ChatGPT في الرعاية الصحية؛ بما يشمل استكشاف تأثير الذكاء الاصطناعي، وتعلم حالات استخدام ChatGPT، والتعرف على جوانب الأخلاقيات واللوائح، وطرق تسهيل رعاية المرضى والوصول إلى البيانات والإدارة.

20.000  د.ا
20.0 JOD 20.000  د.ا
20.000  د.ا
المسؤول Nutrition Experts
آخر تحديث 07 يناير, 2024
وقت الإكمال ساعة 26 دقيقة
الأعضاء 2
الأساسي التغذية
  • Welcome
    2الدروس · 11 د
    • Course Introduction - Welcome to the Course - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
    • Course Description
  • Module 1: Introduction to Using ChatGPT in Healthcare
    4الدروس · 28 د
    • s in Healthcare - Module 1- Introduction to Using ChatGPT in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
    • Understanding the Impact of AI and Language Models in Healthcare - Module 1- Introduction to Using ChatGPT in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
    • Use Cases for ChatGPT in Healthcare - Module 1- Introduction to Using ChatGPT in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
    • Healthcare - Module 1- Introduction to Using ChatGPT in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
  • Module 2: Building with ChatGPT in Healthcare
    5الدروس · 33 د
    • ChatGPT for Improving Patient Care - Module 2- Building with ChatGPT in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
    • ChatGPT for Improving Patient Care - Module 2- Building with ChatGPT in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
    • ChatGPT for Improving Patient Care - Module 2- Building with ChatGPT in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
    • ChatGPT for Accessing Medical Data - Module 2- Building with ChatGPT in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
    • ChatGPT for Streamlining Healthcare Administration - Module 2- Building with ChatGPT in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
  • Module 3: Advanced ChatGPT Techniques in Healthcare
    2الدروس · 13 د
    • Customizing ChatGPT for Healthcare Applications - Module 3- Advanced ChatGPT Techniques in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
    • Best Practices for Using ChatGPT in Healthcare - Module 3- Advanced ChatGPT Techniques in Healthcare - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare
  • 4.1.1 Course Conclusion
    1الدروس · 1 د
    • Course Conclusion - Module 4- Course Conclusion - How to Use ChatGPT in Healthcare